James & Angie Erby
Pastor Erby, along with his wife, Angie, became full time pastors of Apostolic Light in 2016.
They are the founders of Next Generation Christian Academy, a ministry started in 2007.
This couple is devoted to winning souls in and around Perry, Florida.

James & Betty Box
Bishop Box is the Founding Pastor of Apostolic Light. He and his wife, Betty, came to Perry over 30 years ago with the vision of growing a church. Because of their unwavering faith and lifelong dedication to the Lord, Apostolic Light is here today.

Joshua Remington
Bro. Josh moved to Perry from Boston, Massachusetts in 2016. He serves as the assistant to the Pastor and Principal of Next Generation Christian Academy. With multiple degrees and many years of extensive study of the Bible, Bro. Josh is an asset to Apostolic Light. Bro. Josh currently serves as the North American Missions Director for Section 3.

Bryce & Alisha Harvey
Bro. Bryce and Sis. Alisha serve as the Youth Pastors of Apostolic Light. Along with these duties, Bro. Bryce assists as the media and sound technician and Sis. Alisha is the music leader. They also serve as the Florida District Section 3 Youth Directors.

Ryan & Samantha Thompson
Bro. Ryan graciously serves as a part of the music team as the drummer. He, along with his wife, Sis. Samantha, are the Children’s Pastor in our ever growing children’s department. This couple is such a great blessing!